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Original Songs

I have written eight musicals for middle schoolers. All are available via email
These are medleys from some of the shows, others are full songs.

Medley from 'Like a Girl' - BJ Whitehouse
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Medley from Cover Story - BJ Whitehouse
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Harriett Tubman's Song from "Like a Girl" - BJ Whitehouse
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I wish I was living, where I could be free. Hmm, hmm, freedom! I wish I was living where I could be me. Hmm, hmm, freedom! (Sung by a young Harriett Tubman)

Sandra's Song - BJ Whitehouse
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Miles never matter when love is in your heart. Distance is illusion to those of us who love. (Sung by the young Sandra Day O'Connor upon leaving home)

Lunch - BJ Whitehouse
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From "Cover Story" - I think they're trying to kill us with what they call is lunch. I know I'm not a gourmet cook, but is jello supposed to crunch?

There Will Always Be Vaudeville - BJ Whitehouse
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From "Modern Vaudeville" just as motion pictures were arriving on the scene, the vaudeville producers saw it as a novelty, because - There will always be vaudeville, forever and a day!

Just a few samples from the show about famous women when they were younger.

You can't judge a book by its cover and you can't judge a kid by outward appearances. Same day, same class starting over ten times and peeks into  the lives often kids.

Rhythm or Without 'em - BJ Whitehouse
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From "Cover Story" a rhythm 'showdown' between kid who is always tapping and the teacher who is fed up. Think "Stomp."

I've written a lot of songs, mostly for theatrical productions but here is a song  about the ghost fire ship Palatine

Fire in the Hold - BJ Whitehouse
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